
11 January 2024 2025-01-12 18:44

The app that keeps you in the know

Subscribe to only what's important to you,
and never miss an update again.

Lovin Malta Notification
Subscribed App Mock
Subscribed App Mock
Times of Malta Customised Notification
Lovin Malta Notification

📢 We're launching in 📢

Be the first to know 🥇

Subscribed uses a suite of technologies and AI to push customised and real-time notifications your way, relieving you of the stresses of constantly checking for updates.

What our first users had to say 💬

We asked our alpha users what they 💚 most about Subscribed.

As a student and young activist for the environment, I wanted to be aware of the latest news around me specific to my interests. Subscribed allows me to do just that.
Giorgia Portrait


Living away from Malta, Subscribed has allowed me to remain up to date with the latest ongoing news. I use the app daily and look forward to seeing the evolution of Subscribed.
Michael Portrait


Before installing Subscribed, I must admit that I was not quite convinced that I would use the app. However, having used it for a while now, it has now become one of my go to apps that keeps me in the know.
Sandro Portrait


Tech Lead

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Streams (a.k.a channels) can be subscribed to by selecting the categories which matter most to you.

Subscribed app in hand

Download the App

A tailored experience on both Android and iOS.