We want to spread our message about how Subscribed keeps people in the know. See where we've been featured below 📺📰📣

August, 2023 🇲🇹 📺
AIBC.WORLD - Implementation strategy for the launch of a new startup
“When conducting market analysis and engaging in conversations with a number of technology and AI experts and stakeholders, AIBC News came across a newly launched app and met with founder Nick Scerri. He explained how a well-defined technology and AI implementation strategy is the linchpin for constructing the success of ‘Subscribed’, his new start up.”

August, 2023 🇲🇹 📰
Subscribed – L-app b'aħbarijiet li tippreferi
“Ġiet imnedija pjattaforma diġitali ġdida fil-forma ta’ app, bl-isem ta’ Subscribed, li żżommok aġġornat b’kull aħbar li tiġri f’Malta kif ukoll barra minn xtutna dwar kategoriji ta’ aħbarijiet li jkunu tal-għażla personali tiegħek.
ONE News tkellem mal-moħħ wara Subscribed, Nick Scerri.”

August, 2023 🇲🇹 📺
Magħkom - Lea Hogg on Business News with Nick Scerri
Lea Hogg interviewed Subscribed founder Nick Scerri on her programme Magħkom on Net TV.